Ishir Gupta

A High School Student skilled in 3D printing, building robots, and CAD.

Feb 2024
Jan 2024 - Present

FIRST Robotics
Subsystem Lead

What? CAD design, fabricate, and assemble a drivetrain capable of going ~25 mph with a low center of gravity and high manueverability.

How? Used SolidWorks to 3D model and 3D printed various parts out of Nylon x Carbon Fiber filament. Implemented mk4i swerve modules for high manuverability.

Results? Design worked as intended with a top speed of 25 mph and low center of gravity. Competition season still ongoing...

Jun 2023 - Nov 2023

Cannon that launches Miniature Tank Rounds

What? Modify a hair-spray Potato Cannon into a Butane fueled Rocket Launcher.

How? 3D designed the cannon and various possible shapes of ammunition and sabots using Onshape. Assembled combustion chamber (2ft) and barrel (6ft) with pvc pipes and sparked the butane with a grill igniter.

Results? Achieved a horizontal distanec of 230ft with the cannon at a ~25° angle from the ground.

Aug 2021 - Jun 2022

Competitive Robot

What? Build a small competitive robot with a chassis, mechanisms to clamp, 4 bar lift, and a conveyor belt intake. .

How? Used V5 motors and various vex parts for the drivetrain, lift, and intake. Used V5 Pneumatics for clamping mechanisms as well as additional flip out mechanism to prevent opponents from scoring. Went through countless stages of prototyping and went to many competitions to perfect a final design.

Results? All mechanisms worked as intended, with our team winning the U.S. Open Competition, a NorCal State Competition, a Google Signature Competition and others.

Feb 2023 - Jun 2023

Custom Rocket Engine

What? Built a custom rocket using the same oxidizer as NASA's twin SLS solid rocket boosters (Ammonium Perchlorate).

How? Designed multiple types of nose cones and fins in Onshape and assembled with PVC body tube and nozzle.

Results? Ignition of rocket engine with a range of Ammonium Perchlorate fuel gains to achieve a combustion lasting up to 28 seconds.